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Területileg differenciált oktatás és művelődéspolitika lehetőségei és szerepe a területfejlesztésben
Tézisek az információs társadalomról
The Age of Capital : 1848-1875
The Age of Empire : 1875-1914
The Age of Revolution : Europe 1789-1848
The American Community Survey: Summary of a Workshop
The Beauty of the World
The Building Blocks of Civil Society
The Council of Europe: Achievements and Activities
The Cultural Dimensions of Development Towards a Practical Approach
The Cultural Identity of Central Europe (Culturelink különszám)
The Danish folk high schools
The Eclipse of Council Housing
The European Community As A Publisher - 1995. Extract form our publications catalogue
The European Union's Phare and Tacis Democracy Programme
The history of Ruskin College
The hungarian Fundation for the Development of Local Social Networks
The Making of Community Work
The Myrada Experience: Alternate Management Systems for Savings and Credit
The Myrada Experience: The Interventions of a Voluntary Agency in the Eemergence and Growth
The Netherlands in brief
The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief I-III.
The palestinian uprising
The People's Sector: Enriching and Protecting the Public Good
The people's voice
The peoples monuments
The re-emergence of small enterprises: Industrial restructuring in industrialised countries
The roles and functions of the system of adult education in the general education system including vocational training
The Servol Willage/A Caribbean Experience in Education and Community/ A Servol-falu. Oktatási és közösségi tapasztalatok a Karib-tengeren
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