| USD | | Ft |
Angelus Tamás, Budapest | | | |
History of Medicine and Health Cáré, Zágráb | 50 | Rj | 42100 |
Antónia Burrows, Budapest | | | |
East European Network Against Maié Vlolence Again | 50 | Vj. | 8678 |
Békési Andrea, Budapest | | | |
Mournig and Bereavement of Adolescent and Children, Poznan | 50 | Vj. | 21971 |
Bencze László, Budapest | | | |
Régiónál Envíronmental Advocacy and Public Interest, Kisinyov | 490 | | |
Benedek András, Budapest | | | |
Models of Identity ín Post Communist Societies, Belgrád | 50 | Rj | 49690 |
Benedek Piroska, Miskolc | | | |
Estology and Hungarology Ín Uniting Europe, Tartu | 350 | | |
Benkó László, Szeged | | | |
Partnership fór Public Spaces, Svitavy | 50 | Vj. | 10526 |
Bíró László, Istenmezeje | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Boros Judit, Szabadságszállás | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Daczó Zsuzsa, Budapest | | | |
Restructuring the Social Field, lasi | 50 | Rj | 79743 |
Dessewffy Tibor, Budapest | | | |
Ön the Use and Ábuse of Sociological | | | |
Classics in Contemporary Sociology, Tartu | | Rj | 74120 |
Dobrovlts Mihály, Budapest | | | |
Civil Society Development in Central Asia and CEE, Almaty | 110 | Rj | 132 080 |
Domokos Á. Zsolt, Pécs | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Domonkosi Ágnes, Miskolc | | | |
Insolo '97, Preslav | 50 | Rj | 31950 |
Elekes Zsuzsa, Budapest | | | |
Value Models and Images of the Future in Transition, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 8972 |
Erős Ferenc, Budapest | | | |
Trends in Changes of Social Representations of Democracy, Szófia | 50 | Rj | 43000 |
Feischmidt Margit, Budapest | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6025 |
Fodor Gábor, Mezőkovácsháza | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | vj. | 6026 |
Földényi Rita, Veszprém | | | |
Workshop ön Environment and Economics, Pardubice | 50 | Rj | 42961 |
Fülöp Sándor, Budapest | | | |
Régiónál Environmental Advocacy and Public Interest, Kisinyov | 490 | | |
G. Tóth Kinga, Budapest | | | |
Molodist Kyiv International Film Festíval, Kijev | 50 | RJ | 55260 |
Gellényl Judit, Budapest | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Brassó | 50 | Vj. | 24993 |
Gergely Erzsébet, Miskolc | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Gyulai Iván, Miskolc | | | |
CEE Biodiversity Initiative, Tirana | 50 | Rj. | 85970 |
Gyulavári Tamás, Budapest | | | |
Role of Education of Local Government Personnel in CEE, Jurmala | 120 | Rj | 62050 |
Harka Éva, Pécs | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Hárosl H. Tibor, Budapest | | | |
Partnership fór Public Spaces, Svitavy | 50 | Vj. | 10525 |
Havasréti József, Pécs | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6025 |
Heindl Péter, Pécs | | | |
Improving Inter-Ethnic Relations in CEE, Tallin | 50 | Rj | 55000 |
Hontl József, Budapest | | | |
History of Medecine and Health Cáré, Zágráb | 50 | Rj. | 42100 |
Hornyák Miklós, Baja | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Horváth Anna, Budapest | | | |
East European Network Against Maié Violence Against Women, Belgr | ad 50 | VJ. | 8677 |
Horváth Tamás, Budapest | | | |
Role of Education of Local Government Personnel Ín CEE, Jurmala | 120 | Rj | 62050 |
Horváth Viktor, Budapest | | | |
Improving Inter-Ethnic RelatJons Ín CEE, Tallin | 50 | Rj. | 55000 |
Irk Ferenc, Budapest | | | |
Violence Ín the Contemporary World, Leningrád | 50 | Rj. | 49570 |
Irk Ferenc, Budapest | | | |
Baltic Criminological Seminar, Jurmala | 50 | Rj. | 131890 |
Kabdebó Lóránt, Budapest | | | |
Estology and Hungarology Ín Uniting Europe, Tartu | 350 | | |
Kákonyl. Szabina, Kecskemét | | | |
Personality and Changes - EFPSA A.M., Jurmala | 50 | Rj. | 66410 |
Kende Anna, Budapest | | | |
Politícal Participation of Women Ín CEE, Dubrovnik | 50 | Rj | 50140 |
Kiss Károly, Budapest | | | |
Perspective of Sustainable Way of Living ín CEE, Olomuc | 50 | Vj. | 9380 |
Kiss Sz. Róbert, Budapest | | | |
Phenomenon ás a Philosophical Problem, Prága | 50 | Vj. | 18732 |
Kllne Wllllam, Budapest | | | |
New Paradígms New Institutions, Ljubljana | 50 | Vj. | 14090 |
Kosaras Gábor, Budapest | | | |
SECI and Perspectives of Régiónál Integráljon, Belgrád | 50 | Vj. | 10233 |
Krasztev Péter, Budapest | | | |
New Paradígms New Institutions, Ljubljana | 93 | Vj. | 10521 |
Krasztev Péter, Budapest | | | |
Transition and New Faces ín Literature, Újvidék | 88 | | |
Lakatos Edina, Pécs | | | |
Improving Inter-Ethnic Relations in CEE, Tallin | 50 | Rj. | 55000 |
Lengyel Zsófia, Budapest | | | |
Workshop ön Environnment and Economícs, Pardubice | 50 | Rj. | 42961 |
Lugosl Krisztián, Budapest | | | |
Partnership fór Public Spaces, Svitavy | 90 | Vj. | 10526 |
Majoros Mária, Budapest | | | |
Training Seminar fór Employees of the Nursing, Varsó | 50 | Rj. | 59840 |
Medve Á. Zoltán, Pécs | | | |
Pontes97, Krk | 50 | Vj. | 6246 |
Mlkola Tibor, Szeged | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Tartu | 150 | Rj. | 30806 |
Mllel Krisztina, Budapest | | | |
Mournig and Bereavement of Adolescent and Children, Poznan | 50 | Vj. | 21971 |
Mokuterné K. Elvira, Budapest | | | |
Insolo '97, Preslav | 50 | Rj. | 32200 |
Nádudvari Tatjána, Nyíregyháza | | | |
Insolo '97, Preslav | 50 | Rj. | 31950 |
Nagy Éva, Budapest | | | |
Belarus NGOs Assembly and the CEE NGO | | | |
Leaders Roundtable, Minszk | 50 | Rj. | 71730 |
Paczolay Gyula, Veszprém | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Tartu | 50 | Rj. | 94140 |
Pandúr Julianna, Debrecen | | | |
Insolo '97, Preslav | 50 | Rj. | 31950 |
Pető Andrea, Budapest | | | |
New Paradigms New Insfitutions, Ljubljana | 50 | Vj. | 14089 |
Pusztay János, Szombathely | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Tartu | 300 | | |
Salamon Mária, Székesfehérvár | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Brassó | | Vj. | 24994 |
Sátor Balázs, Salgótarján | | | |
V. Régiónál CEE Fundraislng Seminar, Szófia | 50 | Rj | 48800 |
Simonyl Zsuzsa, Budapest | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Brassó | 50 | Vj. | 24993 |
Somlyódy Nóra, Budapest | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Somogyi László, Pécs | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 6026 |
Sotlrov Petar, Debrecen | | | |
Insolo '97, Preslav | 50 | Rj | 31950 |
Svékus Márton, Budapest | | | |
SECI and Perspectives of Régiónál Integráljon, Belgrád | 50 | Vj. | 10233 |
Szabó Illés, Székesfehérvár | | | |
Personality and Changes - EFPSA A.M., Jurmala | 50 | Rj | 66410 |
Szálai Julianna, Budapest | | | |
Political Participation of Women in CEE, Dubrovnik | 318 | | |
Székely Judit, Szigetszentmiklós | | | |
Satisfactory Mousing and Housing Satisfactory, Tallin | 390 | | |
Szigetvári Tamás, Budapest | | | |
Southeastern Europe Régiónál Integration, Kisinyov | 50 | Rj | 51700 |
Szilárd Léna, Budapest | | | |
Mystification, Parody and Plaglarísm, Rovinj | 100 | Vj. | 21 822 |
Szóké Katalin, Budapest | | | |
Mystification, Parody and Plagiarism, Rovinj | 100 | Vj. | 9406 |
Tamás Pál, Budapest | | | |
Ön the Use and Abuse of Sociological Classics in Contemporary Sociology, Tartu | | Rj | 49500 |
Tamás Pál, Budapest | | | |
Civil Society in Post-commuinist Countries, Szentpétervár | 50 | Rj | 90560 |
Tamás Pál, Budapest | | | |
Value Models and Images of the Fülűre in Transition, Kolozsvár | 50 | Vj. | 8399 |
Tengelyi László, Budapest | | | |
Phenomenon ás a Philosophical Problem, Prága | 50 | Vj. | 21706 |
Terts Mónika, Budapest | | | |
How tó Study Cultural Encounters, Kolozsvár | 50 | vj. | 6026 |
Thomka Beáta, Pécs | | | |
Transition and New Faces in üterature, Újvidék | 50 | Vj. | 8225 |
Toka Gábor, Budapest | | | |
Evolution of Political Orientations in Post-communist Societies, Samara | 50 | Rj | 120940 |
Tóth Szilárd, Budapest | | | |
Estology and Hungarology in Uniting Europe, Tartu | 86 | Rj | 43900 |
Törő Csaba, Budapest | | | |
Summer School fór Inter Dialogue, Lastovo | 50 | VJ. | 12482 |
Turóczy Attila, Tápiószentmárton | | | |
Personality and Changes- EFPSA A.M., Jurmala | 50 | Rj | 66410 |
Upor Péter, Budapest | | | |
Improving Inter-Ethnic Relations in CEE.Tallin | 50 | Rj | 55000 |
Varga Istvánné, Budapest | | | |
East European Network Against Maié Violence Against Women, Belgrád | 50 | Vj. | 8677 |
Végh Mihály, Budapest | | | |
CEE Biodiversity Initiative, Tirana | 580 | | |
Vlncze Ildikó, Budapest | | | |
Participation of Woman in Economic Transition, Krakkó | 50 | Rj | 158110 |
Vlncze Krisztina, Budapest | | | |
Orpheus Twinning Project, Vilnius | 50 | Rj | 62340 |
Vlncze Krisztina, Budapest | | | |
Forum of NGOs, Kisinyov | 50 | Rj. | 101790 |
Zllahy Péter, Budapest | | | |
Pontes97, Krk | 50 | Vj. | 6792 |