Aszalós Zoltán, Budapest
CEFRAN meeting, Prága | 42 056 Ft | 50 USD |
Balogh Brigitta, Debrecen
Az ISPA, Identity and Self-esteem, Riga | 72 640 Ft | 80 USD |
Bara Zoltán, Budapest
Economies Ín Transition and the Variety of Capitalisms, Várna | 67 040 Ft | 50 USD |
Bartha Barbara, Budapest
CEFRAN meeting, Prága | 42 056 Ft | 50 USD |
Bartos Hajnalka, Komló
Improvement of Inter-Ethnic Relations Ín CEE, Pozsony | 3 983 Ft | 50 USD |
Bencze László, Budapest
Régiónál Environmental Advocacy and Law: Guta IV, Varsó |  | 242 USD |
Benkő Levente, Budapest
International Study Week ön Political Development, Vilnius | 78 440 Ft | 50 USD |
Beró László, Almásfüzitő
Common Problems ön the Way tó European Integration, Varsó | 73 460 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Békés Csaba, Budapest
The Czechoslovakian February 1948: Repercussions at
Home and Abroad, Prága | 39 500 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Békési Andrea, Budapest
Palliative Cáré, Poznan | 29 936 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Békési Andrea, Budapest
Seminar fór Caregivers of Patients with Terminál Illnesses, Poznan | 53 220 Ft | 50 USD |
Béres Endre, Budapest
Students Voice, Hvar (Horvátország) | 56 800 Ft | 50 USD |
Bíró Ildikó, Budapest
Women's Rights ás Humán Rights, Varsó | 56 200 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Bodnár Gabriella, Eger
ISPA, Identity and Self-esteem, Riga |  | 80 USD |
Böröczk Márta, Budapest
Healthy Children Ín Healthy Society, Riga | 79 200 Ft | 50 USD |
Csaba László, Budapest
Economies Ín Transition and the Variety of Capítalisms, Várna | 67 040 Ft | 50 USD |
Csontos Brigitta, Balkány
Junior Achievement Students' Companies Fair, Lengyelország | 70 966 Ft |  |
Demkó Attila, Budapest
International Study week ön Political Development, Vilnius | 78 440 Ft | 50 USD |
Dobrovits Mihály, Budapest
Religious Problems Ín Post-socialist Space: Seminar ön Local and Regional Issues, Almaty | 157 920 Ft | 85 USD |
F. Tóth András, Budapest
Information Needs of Funders, Prága | 43 580 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Fülöp Sándor, Budapest
Regionál Environmental Advocacy and Law: Guta IV, Wroclaw |  | 242 USD |
Gáspárdy Gergely, Vác
Rethinking the Security Architecture, Szentpétervár | 53 150 Ft | 50 USD |
Gellén Márton, Debrecen
Local Community ás a Base of Self-government, Donetsk (Ukrajna) | 86 550 Ft | 50 USD |
Gy. Stelanik Krisztina, Budapest
Autism: Challenge of Our Times, Krakkó | 19 208 Ft | 50 USD |
Győri Miklós, Budapest
Autism: Challenge of Our Times, Krakkó | 19 208 Ft | 50 USD |
Hattinger Gábor, Budaörs
Central Europe and Subcarpathian Rus, Prága | 52 280 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Herczegfalvi Ágnes, Budapest
Muscular Disease: Present and Future, Riga | 82 790 Ft | 50 USD |
Holch Gábor, Budapest
Rethinking the Security Architecture, Szentpétervár | 53 150 Ft | 50 USD |
Horváth Ferenc, Kaposvár
Muscular Disease: Present and Future, Riga | 82 790 Ft | 50 USD |
Horváth Krisztina, Budapest
Autism: Challenge of Our Times, Krakkó | 19 208 Ft | 50 USD |
Horváth Marcel, Kaposvár
Muscular Disease: Present and Future, Riga | 82 790 Ft | 50 USD |
Horváth Viktor, Pécs
Improvement öl Inter-Ethnic Relations in CEE, Pozsony | 3 983 Ft | 50 USD |
Hyman Betsy, Budapest
National Environmental Action Plán, Kiev |  | 267 USD |
Inotai András, Budapest
Rethinking the Security Architecture, Szentpétervár | 53 150 Ft | 50 USD |
Jean Garland, Budapest
Standards of Philantnropy and Charity Organizations, Kiev | 88 640 Ft |  |
Kassai Melinda, Budapest
Improvement of Interethnic Relations, Kolozsvár | 45 510 Ft | 50 USD |
Kálmán Anikó, Debrecen
Aduit Education in the Period of Transition, Tallin | 67 220 Ft | 50 USD |
Kende Anna, Budapest
Women and the New Militarization of Europe, Dubrovnik | 87 140 Ft | 120 USD |
Kende Péter, Budapest
The Czechoslovakian February 1948: Repercussions at Home and Abroad, Prága | 40 700 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Keserű Katalin, Budapest
Culture in the Time of Transformation, Poznan | 33 124 Ft | 50 USD |
Kertész Noémi, Budapest
Culture in the Time of Transformation, Poznan | 62 130 Ft | 50 USD |
Kiss Gy. Csaba, Budapest
Culture in the Time of Transformation, Poznan | 25 941 Ft | 50 USD |
Kiss Gy. Csaba, Budapest
Panel Debate ön Tolerance, Varsó | 25 454 Ft | 50 USD |
Kivimaa Katrin, Budapest
Baltic-nordic Cooperation ön Women's Studies, Riga | 82 930 Ft | 75 USD |
Klevere Inga, Szombathely
Roundtable: Baltic Philology, Szentpétervár | 66 450 Ft | 50 USD |
Kobza András, Budapest
The Phoenix Rises írom the Ashes: Europe 2020, Dubrovnik | 73 380 Ft | 50 USD |
Kovács András, Budapest
CEFRAN meeting, Prága | 42 056 Ft | 50 USD |
Kovács Eszter, Siófok
Summer School of Social Work: Problems and the Fülűre of Foster Cáré, Belgrád | 54 180 Ft | 50 USD |
Kovács Katalin, Miskolc
CEFRAN meeting, Prága | 42 056 Ft | 50 USD |
Kovács M. Mária, Budapest
A Reconciliation Ín Europe: Dealing with the Pást fór the Sake of the Future, Krakkó | 88 190 Ft | 50 USD |
Krasztev Péter, Budapest
Phenomen of Lőve ás the Binding Spiritus Movens, Skopje | 33 795 Ft | 50 USD |
Kusper Gábor, Miskolc
Quo Vadis Slovakia, Pozsony | 6 362 Ft | 50 USD |
Kusper Zsuzsa, Kisgyőr
Quo Vadis Slovakia, Pozsony | 6 362 Ft | 50 USD |
Laczházi Aranka, Budapest
Roundtable: Baltic Philology, Szentpétervár | 66 450 Ft | 50 USD |
Lehoczky Boldizsárné, Budapest
Womerís Rights ás Humán Rights, Varsó | 46 140 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Lengyel György, Budapest
New Elites Ín Central and Eastern Europe, Prága | 43 550 Ft | 50 USD |
Maár Márton, Budapest
Improvement of Interethnic Relations, Kolozsvár | 45 510 Ft | 50 USD |
Marian- Viorel Anastasoaie, Budapest
Memory, Communication, Identity, Temesvár | 75 990 Ft | 50 USD |
Marsha Siefert, Budapest
Memory, Communication and Identity, Temesvár | 76 710 Ft | 50 USD |
Messing Vera, Budapest
Stereotypes of National Minorities Ín the Mass Media, Vilnius | 78 400 Ft | 50 USD |
Miazga Agata, Budapest
Local Environmental Action Plán, Tirana | 40 450 Ft | 50 USD |
Miklósi Gábor, Budapest
Improvement of Inter-ethnic Relations in CEE, Szófia | 89 120 Ft | 140 USD |
Dr. Miiéi Krisztina, Budapest
Palliative Cáré, Poznan | 29 936 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Miiéi Krisztina, Budapest
Semínar fór Caregivers of Patients with Terminál Illnesses, Poznan | 53 220 Ft | 50 USD |
Miskolczi Balázs, Budapest
Intercultural Seminar, Temesvár |  | 1 236 USD |
Molnár István, Debrecen
XII International Slavic Congress, Krakkó | 26 675 Ft | 50 USD |
Brainstorm Student, Kolozsvár | 9 508 Ft | 50 USD |
Nagy Edit, Budapest
Eeuropean Society of Women in Theological Research, Prága | 19 064 Ft | 50 USD |
Nagy Nikoletta, Mád
Eastern Meeting of the European Law Students Association, Varsó | 67 040 Ft | 50 USD |
Nikodem András, Budapest
Rethinking the Security Architecture, Szentpétervár | 53 150 Ft | 50 USD |
Nikodem András, Budapest
Harmonization of Polish Law with European Union Standards, Szentpétervár | 73 610 Ft | 50 USD |
Nikodem András, Budapest
Local Community ás a Base of Self-government, Donetsk (Ukrajna) | 86 550 Ft | 50 USD |
Njoku Godwin Ogueri, Budapest
CEFRAN meeting, Prága | 42 056 Ft | 50 USD |
Orsós Tamás, Tengelic
Improvement of Inter-Ethnic Relations in CEE, Pozsony | 3 983 Ft | 50 USD |
Palásti Gábor, Miskolc
Eastern Meeting of the Euopean Law Students Association, Varsó | 44 314 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Pál József, Szeged
The Meaning of Giacomo Leopardi's Work in Central and Eastern Europe, Bukarest | 51 090 Ft | 90 USD |
Pályi András, Budapest
Culture in the Time of Transformation, Poznan | 53 410 Ft | 50 USD |
Pásztor Miklós, Budapest
Public Administration and Social Policies, Prága | 40 200 Ft | 50 USD |
Popovics Tibor Miklós, Budapest
Central Europe and Subcarpalfiian Rus, Prága | 52 280 Ft | 50 USD |
Ralner M. János, Budapest
The Czechoslovakian February 1948: Repercussíons át Home and Abroad. Prága | 39 500 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Rivasz-Tóth Krisztina, Miskolc
Pallíative cáré, Poznan | 29 936 Ft | 50 USD |
Róna Gábor, Budapest
The Phoenix Rises (rom the Ashes: Europe 2020, Dubrovnik | 73 380 Ft | 50 USD |
Rostás Mária, Budapest
Improving inter-ethnic Relations in Cenlral and Eastern Europe, Szófia | 55 140 Ft | 50 USD |
Ruzsinszki László, Nógrádmegyer
Youth and Developmenl in Central and Easlern Europe, Brassó | 11 695 Ft | 50 USD |
Sándor Lilian, Boconád
Youth and Oevelopment Ír Central and Eastern Europe, Brassó | 1 1 695 Ft | 50 USD |
Srklaki István, Ounabogdány
Stereotypes of National Minorities in (he Mass Media, Vilnius | 78 400 Ft | 50 USD |
Suhajda Éva, Budapest
Local Community ás Base of Self-government, Donyeck (Ukrajna) | 36 230 Ft | 50 USD |
Swaan Willem, Budapest
Economies in Transition and the Variety of Capitalisms, Várna | 66 920 Ft | 50 USD |
Terdik Borbála, Debrecen
Quo Vadis Slovakia, Pozsony | 6 362 Ft | 50 USD |
Tóth Györgyi, Solymár
Women Within Civil Initiatives, Zágráb |  | 83 USD |
Tóth István, Budapest
Cenlral Europe and Subcarpathian Rus, Prága | 42 790 Ft | 50 USD |
Tóth Katalin, Kecskemét
Summer School of Social Work: Problems and the Future űf
Foster Cáré, Belgrád | 54 180 Ft | 50 USD |
Upor Péter, Budapesl
Improvement of Inter-elhnic Relations in CEE, Pozsony | 3 983 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr. Utasi Ágnes, Budapest
The Middle Class and Sustainable Societies, Szófia | 78 490 Ft | 50 USD |
Vass Vilmos, Budapest
Common problems ön the Way tó Eurüpean Integration, Varsó | 73 460 Ft | 50 USD |
Voszka Éva, Budapest
New Hites in Central and Eastern Europe, Prága | 43 550 Ft | 50 USD |
Vörös Éva, Nagykereki
European Society o( Women in Theological Research, Prága | 43 550 Ft | 50 USD |
Dr.Vulkovics Emil, Budapest
Regularities and Inconsistencies of Oemographíc Development, Vilnius | 110 030 Ft |  |
WoFf Péter, Budapest
Improvement of Inter-ethnic Relations, Szófia | 188 220 Ft | 140 USD |
Zachár Péter, Budapest
Students Voice, Hvar (Horvátország) | 56 800 Ft | 50 USD |