Adorján András, Budapest
Régiónál Workshop fór Representatives of Menthal Health Self-Help Organisations, Tallin | Vj. = vonatjegy
Rj. = repülőjegy
320 USD |
Agócs Péter, Budapest
National Movements of East Central Europe in the 19" and 20" Century, Lvov | Vj. 1 db + 50 USD |
Bánszegi László, Budapest
National Movements of East Central Europe in the 19"1 and 20" Century, Lvov | Vj. 1 db + 50 USD |
Benda Gyula, Budapest
Problems of History in Contemporary Central Europe, Prága | Vj. 1 db + 30 USD |
Bognár Katalin Ildikó, Budapest
International Summer School of Economics, Varsó | Vj. 1 db + 50 USD |
Bohémia Baráti Kör, Budapest
Amicus-Bohémia diáktalálkozó, Prága | Vj. 15 db |
Burján Antal, Csete Edit, Eőrdögh Attila, Horváth Éva, Keller Krisztina, Budapest
The Visit of Foreign Affairs Young Students in Warsaw, Varsó | Vj. 5 db |
Csukonyi Csilla, Debrecen
Changes in Society: A Psychological Approach, Punat | 75 USD |
Dessewffy Tibor, Budapest
The Other Europe, Minszk | Vj. 1 db + 30 USD |
Haintz István, Budapest
National Movements of East Central Europe in the 19"1 and 20m Century, Lvov | Vj. 1 db + 50 USD |
Hajdú Endre, Debrecen
Changes in Society: A Psychological Approach, Punat | 75 USD |
Hubai Péter és Muzsnai Márta, Budapest
Fathers Fór the Rights of Children, Prága | Vj. 2 db + 60 USD |
Irk Ferenc, Budapest
Deviant Behaviour and Social Control in Post-Totalitarian Countries, Szentpétervár | Vj. 1 db + 30 USD |
Irk Ferenc, Farkas Ákos és Vígh József, Budapest
Baltié Criminological Seminar, Tallin | Rj. 3 db |
Kákonyi Szabina, Kecskemét
Changes in Society: A Psychological Approach, Punat | 75 USD |
Kardkovács Réka és Lukács Dávid, Budapest
Visit to Románia of Representatives of Civic NGOs from Central and Eastern Europe, Bukarest | Rj. 2 db |
Kardkovács Réka, Budapest
Visit of Observers to General Elections in Románia, Bukarest | Rj. 2 db +60 USD |
Kiss Gyöngyvér és Botka Péter, Szeged
Eastern and Central European Youth Exchange, Minszk | Rj. 2 db |
Kovács István, Budapest
Meeting of Representatives of Dissident Movements from Former Communist Countries, Varsó | Rj. 1 db +50 USD |
Krasztev Péter, Budapest
Literature After the Fali of the Berlin Wall: Between Immoralism and Moralism, Újvidék | 130 USD |
Kun Árpád, Budapest
Young Writers Meeting for Peace and Tolerance, Tbiliszi | Rj 1 db + 70 USD |
Kurucz Anita, Budapest
Summer School of Economics Spring Seminar, Varsó | Rj. 1 db +50 USD |
Lantos Tamás, Pécs
Training fór Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organizations Resource Centers, Jalta | Rj. 1 db +4 500 Ft |
dr. Lengyel György, Budapest
New Forms of Social Differentiation and the Creation of Liberal Democratic Order in Central and East European Countries, Belgrád | 128 USD |
Molnár Gusztáv, Budapest
Collective Rights: Pro and Contra, Újvidék | Vj. 1 db +50 USD |
Neményi Mária, Budapest
Women's Political Participation in Central and Eastem Europe, Zágráb | Vj. 1 db |
Nikodem András, Budapest
International Summer School in Political Science, Varsó | Rj. 1 db +70 USD |
Őrös Ilona, Budapest
Régiónál Workshop fór Representatives of Menthal Health Self-Help Organisations, Tallin | 320 USD |
Schulcz Katalin, Budapest
üterature After The Fali of the Berlin Wall: Between Immoralism and Moralism, Újvidék | 130 USD |
Szabó Illés, Székesfehérvár
European Federation of Psychology Students Annual Meeting, Punat | Rj. 1 db +66 USD |
Szabó Illés, Székesfehérvár
Changes in Society: A Psychological Approach, Tartu | 75 USD |
Szabó Miklós, Székesfehérvár
International Summer School of Economics, Varsó | Vj 1 db + 50 USD |
Szántó F. István, Budapest
Young Writers Meeting fór Peace and Tolerance, Tbiliszi | Rj. 1 db +70 USD |
dr. Szilárd Léna, Budapest
The Culture of Russian Diaspora, Tallin | Rj. 1 db +30 USD |
Szögi Edit, Szeged
International Summer School in Political Science, Varsó | Rj. 1 db +70 USD |
Szőke Katalin és Szilárd Léna, Budapest
Zagreb Glossary of 20th Century Culture: Hierarchy, Zágráb | Vj. 2 db + 2*130 USD |
Tóth Csaba, Budapest
Specific Feature of Municipal Reform in Eastern and Central Europe, Minszk | Rj. 1 db +30 USD |
Tróján Anna, Budapest
National Movements of East Central Europe in the 19* and 20* Century, Lvov | Vj. 1 db +50 USD |
Vadász Eszter, Budapest
Changes in Society: A Psychological Approach, Punat | 75 USD |
Vajnál Viktória, Budapest
National Movements of East Central Europe in the 19* and 20* Century, Lvov | Vj. 1 db +50 USD |
Virág Gábor, Székesfehérvár
International Summer School of Economics, Varsó | Rj. 2 db +25 USD |
Wagner János, Taksony
Visit of Observers to General Elections in Románia, Bukarest | Rj. 2 db +60 USD |
Zákonyi Botond, Budapest
National Movements of East Central Europe in the 19* and 20* Century, Lvov | Vj. 1 db +50 USD |
Zentai Violetta (26 támogatott képviseletében), Budapest
Women and Mén in East-European Transition, Kolozsvár | Vj. 25 db + 12 588 Ft |
dr. Zsoldos János Demeter, Budapest
Intellectual Property Legislation in Eastern Europe, Donyeck | Rj. 1 db +30 USD |
Weaver, Eric, Budapest
Visit of Observers to General Elections in Románia, Bukarest | Rj. 2 db +60 USD |
Magyarországon megrendezett esemyényke támogatása |  |
Regulating Civil Society: Legal Structures for NGOs in Central and Eastem Europe
1996. május | 5 215USD |
Savaria International Summer School: The New Central Europe
1996. augusztus, Kőszeg | 13 333 USD |