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Érvényes pályázatok: újak, kiírók szerint, érvényesség szerint, tárgymutató szerint, módosultak |
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Cím: | Dutch Human Rights Fund 2025 |
Kiíró: | The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands |
Határidő: | 02/23/2025 |
Érvényes: | 02/23/2025 |
Tárgymutató: | emberi jogok |
Pályázhat: | Hungarian organizations |
Napi Pályázati Értesítő >>> |
Call for applications: Dutch Human Rights Fund 2025 The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Budapest has opened its annual call for applications from Hungarian organizations for a grant out of the Human Rights Fund. Please see below for the details on the application procedure. About the Human Rig hts Fund 2025 The Human Rights Fund (HRF) is a tool of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands to support activities of civil society around the world with the goal of achieving tangible results in improving human rights. The HRF is meant to support activities in line with the five priorities of the Dutch human rights policy: - Supporting human rights defenders; - Freedom of expression, internet freedom and independent journalism; - Equal rights for LGBTIQ+ persons; - Equal rights for women and girls; - Freedom of religion and belief. Funding criteria Project proposals need to meet the following criteria in order to be considered: - The applying organization must be based in Hungary. - If your organization has been financially supported by the Embassy in previous years, the previous project should be finished in a satisfactory manner before the starting date of a new project (or have a different target group and objective). - The project must start in 2025. The proposed projects should finish within three years after the starting date. - The requested contribution should fall within the range of 5.000-15.000 euro per project. - A detailed budget should be enclosed with the application form in a separate document in Excel format or Word table format. - The proposal should include clear and feasible goals and sustainable expected results. - Project proposals must be concise and focus on the intended activities and results. - Only the detailed budget and short addendums elaborating on the requested information in the standard application form will be accepted as attachments. Please do not send any attachments, such as letters of recommendation or other background documents, supporting your application as they will not be taken into consideration. - Focus of the project should be on at least one of the priority areas of the Dutch human rights policy mentioned above. Application procedure - The deadline for submitting project proposals is 23 February 2025, 11.59 PM. - Project proposals must be submitted to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Budapest, via e-mail to bdp-hrf@minbuza.nl . Only proposals sent to this email address will be taken into consideration. - Subject of the e-mail should be “HRF25 [name of applying organization]”. Assessment and Approval Procedure Due to the limited amount of funding available, meeting all formal criteria does not automatically mean selection of the proposal. Project proposals received will be subjected to a competitive selection procedure. In assessing the proposals the Embassy will inter alia take the following factors into account: - Relevance of the project to the human rights objectives of the Netherlands and to the Hungarian context. - The expected sustainable and tangible impact; - Balance between the scope of the project activities and proposed budget; - Past performance; - Joint applications with other Hungarian organisations are welcomed – informal groups can be involved with legally registered organisation’s applications. - We will look with special interest to longer-term (multi-annual) projects and projects executed outside of the capital. - Proposals that aim at capacity building /contain capacity building components or contain cultural/creative components are also welcomed. The Embassy will assess all received proposals and inform applicants accordingly no later than 26 March 2025. A personal (or telephone) meeting could be part of the selection procedure. After the final decision, organisations whose proposals will have been approved will receive a grant decision. At that time they will be informed about the reporting requirements. Questions? If you have any questions, please contact the Embassy through bdp-hrf@minbuza.nl. https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/web/hungary/w/call-for-applications-dutch-human-rights-fund-2025 | Ingyenes e-mail tanfolyam Magam csináljam vagy bízzak meg egy szakembert? Akármelyik utat választja van egy minimum, amit mindenképpen tudnia kell.Legalább ennyit a forrásteremtésről címmel Ha Ön(ök) csinálják, akkor magától értetődő, hogy érteni kell hozzá, ha mást bíznak meg, akkor annyi tudásra lesz szükségük, hogy tudjanak megrendelni és átvenni. Ezt a tudást szerezheti meg ezen a tanfolyamon, ami egyben jó alap arra, hogy ha saját maga vág bele könnyű legyen hozzátanulni. Ne csak olvassa és nézze (filmek is lesznek a leckékben), csinálja is. A forrásteremtésnél ezt alig kell magyarázni, hiszen elméletben forrást szerezni enyhén szólva marhaság. Ezért arra kérem, hogy az egyes levelekben olvasottakat azonnal valósítsa meg a gyakorlatban. Ne feledje, akármilyen kis lépés sokkal többet ér, mint az álldogálás a rajtvonalnál... Az egyes leckéket e-mailben kapja meg, hetente egyet. Jó tanulást és eredményes forrásszerzést kívánok! Huszerl József szerkesztő Itt iratkozhat fel
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