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„Képzők képzője” I. szakasz - „Trainer Training” Phase I.
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Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete
képzés, partnerség, Közép-Kelet Európa
Közösségfejlesztési partnerségépítés Közép-Kelet Európában
Raktári jelzet:

„Trainer Training” Phase I.
„Community Development Partnership Building in Central and Eastern Europe” (CDPBCEE) project


Monday, November 19, 2001

Arrival in Budapest (by plain and by train – everyone will be met at the airport and railway station)
Those who arrive early can join the sightseeing in Budapest.
Evening: leaving for the residential training center of the Civil College, for the village of Kunbábony (75 km to the South from Budapest)

From 18.00 onward
Welcome, accommodation, introduction the place, make friends, dinner
Talking about the agenda, call for organizing an exhibition
Hosts: József Huszerl, Zsuzsa Mészáros, Ferenc Péterfi, Andrea Purtczl, Máté Varga, Tamás Varga, Ilona Vercseg

Tuesday, November 20
Chair: Ilona Vercseg
9-9,30 Organizing the exhibition with materials participants have brought from home
9.30-9,50 Opening session. Introduction the CDPBCEE project and the „Trainer Training” course, by Ilona Vercseg and Ferenc Péterfi - Discussion, additions, etc.
9,50-12 Get to know each other! Introductions in 5 minutes each – persons, organizations, programs. Plenary session with some break
12-12,30 Our expectations – Plenary work

13.00 Lunch, rest

Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
15.00-15,30 The Emerging of Community Development (international historical overview)– short presentation by Ferenc Péterfi
15,30-16 The Emerging of Community Development in our Own Countries – Work in country (language) groups
16-17 Plenary session: Reports of the country groups
17,30 break
17.30-18 Community – Idea and Reality. Short historical overview by Ilona Vercseg
18-19.00 Our own experiences about the community. Can we talk about community in our societies at all? If yes, in what form community exists? – work in country groups

19.00 Dinner

Wednesday, November 21
Chair: Ferenc Péterfi
9.00-9,30 Summary on plenary session about the findings of the previous day. Which findings did you like most? Which materials should be put into our folder?
9,30-10.00 Theory of the Development. Short presentation of Edit Kovács
10.00-10,30 break
10,30-11,30 Work in country groups. What kind of development would we like to see in our country? The development concept of community development
11,30-12,30 Plenary session: Reports of the country groups, discussion

12,30 Lunch, rest
14.00-15.00 Optional program: visit to a local small firm

Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
15.00-17.00 Analysis of the Central-Eastern European Region’s social changes
Work in country groups. Facilitator: Ferenc Péterfi
17.00 –18.00 Plenary session: Reports of the country groups, discussion

18.00 Dinner

Thursday, November 22.

Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
9.00-9,30 Summary on plenary session about the findings of the previous day. Which findings did you like most? Which materials should be put into our folder?
9,30-10.00 International trends of Community Development. Short presentation of Ferenc Péterfi.
10.00-10,30 break
10,30-10,50 What Community Development is? Work in groups for finding appropriate definition.
10,50-11,40 Plenary session: Reports of the country groups, discussion
11,40-12,30 The Characteristics of Community Development – summary by Ferenc Péterfi

12,30 Lunch

13,15 Visit to the town of Kunszentmiklós
19.00 Dinner in the town
Guide József Huszerl

Friday, November 23.
II. PRACTICE 1. How to work with local people?
Chair: Ildikó Szolnoki
9,00- 9,30 Summary on plenary session about the findings of the previous day. Which findings did you like most? Which materials should be put into our folder?
9,30 – 10.00 An Introduction to the Methodology. The process of cd and the key methods in this process. Short presentation by Edit Kovács
10.00-10,30 CEE virtual case study. Distribution material, reading, finding a name for the virtual village
10,30-11.00 break
11.00- 12,30 Roles in the virtual village. Methods 1. How to make interview – work in pairs, with exchange

12,30 Lunch, rest

Chair: Ildikó Szolnoki
15.00-16.00 Methods 2. The community conversation. Role play in the virtual village. Facilitator: Edit Kovács
16.00-16,30 break
16,30-17.00 Methods 3. Get to know local community – work in groups, then reports on plenary session. Facilitator: Ildikó Szolnoki.
17.00-18.00 Methods 4. Let the findings own by everyone in the community. Methods of local publicity. Collecting examples from our own experiences – work in country groups, summary on plenary session. Facilitator: Edit Kovács

18.00 Dinner

Saturday, November 24.

Chair: Edit Kovács
9.00-9,30 Summary on plenary session about the findings of the previous day. Which findings did you like most? Which materials should be put into our folder?
9,30-10,30 Methods 5. „Future Workshop”. Working on the virtual case study.
A) Identifying problems, organizing problem-list – individual work, summary on plenary session
10.30-10.50 break
10.50-11.40 B) Vision on the future – work in country-group
11.40-12,20 Introduction of the groups on plenary session
12.20-13.00 C) Realization, project ideas – work in country groups, summary on plenary session

13 Lunch, rest

Chair: Szolnoki Ildikó
15.00-15,30 Methods 6. Community appraisal. Short presentation by Ildikó Szolnoki
15,30-16,30 How to make the questionnaire? Work in groups defining one question-groups each. Introduction the results on plenary session.
Módszerek 7. Participating planning – planning techniques. Work in groups, summary on plenary session
16,30-17.00 break
17.00-18.00 Methods 8. Community Economic Development – steps of cooperative development. Short presentation by Zsuzsa Mészáros, discussion on plenary session
18,00-18,30 Summary on the finings of the day.
Talking about the day of tomorrow – the visit to Budapest.

18,30 Dinner

Sunday, November 25.

Whole-day-long visit to Budapest
A.m. project visit in the District VIII., at the “Nap Klub” Foundation
P.m. Concert of the Music Hall of Budapest
Guide: József Huszerl

Moday, November 26.
III. PRACTICE 2. How to train local people?
Chair: Péter Pósfay
9.00-9.30 Working with local people (volunteers). Short presentation by Zsuzsa Mészáros Zsuzsa
9,30–10.00 Conversation on the issue on plenary session
10.00–10.45 Is there need for learning? Introduction of the issue by Péter Pósfay.
The Study Circle. Introduction and implementation. Presentation and group work.

The Characteristics of the Learning of Adults. The Meaning and Advantages of Adults’ Learning - Short presentation by Péter Pósfay
10.45-11.15 break
11.15–12.30 The Training Needs of a Local Community. Experiences of the participants.
Ranking and Grouping Local Needs. Taking into Account Tasks. Facilitator: Péter Pósfay.

12,30 Lunch, rest

Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
15.00–18.00 Continuation
- What methods has been used so far, on what principles we worked?
Sharing experiences:
- How will you prepare and organize your own training courses? (traditions, systems, national “rutines”)

18.00 Dinner

Tuesday, November 27.
Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
9.00-9.30 Summary on plenary session about the findings of the previous day. Which findings did you like most? Which materials should be put into our folder?
9,30-12,30 Facilitation 1. Presentation and facilitation by Péter Pósfay
How to facilitate discussions

12,30 Lunch, rest

Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
15,00 – 18,00 Facilitation 2. (continuation)

Wednesday, November 28.

Chair: Zsuzsa Mészáros
9,00 – 9, 30 Summary on plenary session about the findings of the previous day. Which findings did you like most? Which materials should be put into our folder?
9,30 – 10.45 The Theory and Methodology of the Using of Presentation. Short presentation and practice with the facilitation of Péter Pósfay
10.45-11.15 break
11.15-12,30 „What can we do at home?” The most important tasks of our training courses – action plan. Work in groups, facilitator Péter Pósfay

Chair: Tamás Varga, Ilona Vercseg
15,00 – Summary and evaluation of the training course, suggestions for the phase II. in February.
Preparing the farewell party

Thursday, November 29.
Leaving for home
